British & world railway photographs

Nigel Tout’s Website


This website has two sections:



Railway Photograph Galleries

These galleries contain some of my railway photographs taken in Britain and abroad, old and new.

It is very much under development and many more photographs will be added as time permits.

Snibston Discovery Museum Panoramas

Interactive Panorama Galleries

This is a gallery of interactive panoramic photographs.

At present there are panoramic photographs of Snibston Discovery Museum before closure, Leicester, and Bradgate Park.

To visit the Snibston Discovery Museum Panoramas click here

Old mechanical calculator
Old pocket calculator
Old electronic calculator
Old Anita Mk VII calculator
Pld Plus/Sumlock mechanical comptometer calculator
Old Anita electronic calculator
Old Anita pocket calculator
Leicester Central Station
Panoramas in Leicester and Leicestershire

External Websites

Below are details and links to my three external websites

Great Central Railway through Leicester Website

This external site contains photographs along the route of the old Great Central Railway through Leicester showing its present state and the considerable remains. There are also old photographs from the late 1960s to the late 1990s.

To visit the Great Central Railway though Leicester site click here

Vintage Calculators Website

This external site is a celebration of old calculators showing the evolution from mechanical calculator to hand held electronic calculator.

Featuring -

To visit the Vintage Calculators site click here

ANITA Calculators Website

This external site has a brief history of the Bell Punch Company and the development of the ANITA calculator, the world's first desktop electronic calculator, and its successors.

To visit the ANITA Calculators site click here

To visit the Leicester and Bradgate Park Panoramas click here

To visit the Railway Photograph Galleries click here
