Britain - Railway Photographs From Auctions

Railway photographs around Leicester in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s from negatives and slides bought from auctions


Britain - 1960s

Railway photographs in Britain from the middle to the end of the 1960s


Britain - 1970s

Railway photographs in Britain during the 1970s


Britain - 1980s

Railway photographs in Britain during the 1980s


Britain - 1990s

Railway photographs in Britain during the 1990s



Featured Articles


Moira West Junction    Added April 2024


Bagworth Rapid Loader


Asfordby “Super Pit”


Three Leicester Railway Scrapyards


Working the Swannington Incline     Added May 2024


The Stephenson Lifting Bridge and its wanderings    Added July 2024

88px-CC-BY-SA_icon.svgThe photographs in these railway photograph galleries are available for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.  Attribution should include a link to
